Terça-feira, 30 de Junho de 2009
Green Street
The Iranian people have proven that they desire a free, democratic societyby Slater Bakhtavar29-Jun-2009 To All Humanity: My freedom is yours. You won't be free unless you help me to get my freedom. Don't remain silent while in the dark of night you hear screams of mothers for the lives of their kids. Don't cover your ears when you hear the cries of the children for their mothers and fathers who have been shot by hooligans. They're trying to silence them and me and take away the thirst for freedom when they are done with us they will look for you. Yes, my friend, my freedom is your freedom. Therefore, I beg you, to please post on this site any media that can show injustices to freedom fighters. Jabi, on Facebook For the Iranian people everything begins on June 12, 2009, with their 10th presidential election since the 1979 Islamic Revolution: the challenge was between the outgoing president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the oppositions leader, Hossein Moussavi. Their decision today is largely whether to keep hard-line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in power for four more years, or to replace him with a reformist more open to loosening the country's Islamic restrictions and improving ties with the United States. Another candidate, Mehdi Karroubi, is more closely associated with the core causes of the Iranian reformist movement, including the freeing of political prisoners and womens rights, but, as a former prime minister in the 1980s, Mr. Moussavi is given great credit for having managed Irans economy effectively during the war with Iraq. We are hearing reports from Iran that text-messaging has been blocked all over the country. Independent observers are not allowed to be present at the voting. Results are expected to come in early on Saturday in Tehran. Mr. Moussavis supporters say they remain concerned about the possibility of fraud, but a determined campaign, led by Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a two-term former president and one of Irans richest and most powerful men, has kept that issue in the public eye. In an extraordinary public letter on Tuesday, Mr. Rafsanjani urged Irans supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, to prevent any fraud, and on Thursday he met with the ayatollah for three hours. If the system cannot or does not want to confront such ugly and sin-infected phenomena as insults, lies, and false allegations made in that debate, how can we consider ourselves followers of the sacred Islamic system? Mr. Rafsanjani wrote. On June 13th, the Interior Ministry, controlled by Ahmadinejad, announces that he has been elected in the first round with 62.6 percent of the vote, compared with less than 34 percent for Moussavi. Turnout is an extraordinary record: 86 percent of the 46.2 million eligible voters. But the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reports that, according to the Iranian filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf, officials from Irans Interior Ministry would have contacted Mr. Moussavi after the polls closed on Friday night, saying that he would have won the election, and asking him not to make any announcement. As vote-rigging often leaves traces in the results, let'shave a look at some interesting items: * After a legal and controlled investigation, Irans senior panel of election monitors says that, in 50 cities, the number of votes cast exceeded the actual number of voters;* Even if candidates usually win in their home districts, especially where their ethnicity should help them, Moussavi, an Azeri, lost in Azerbaijan and Karrubi won only 5 percent into his native district, with a 10th part of his 2005 votes;* With paper ballots, a speed count is suspicious, but for this election the Interior Ministry declared victory for Ahmadinejad only two hours after polls have been closed and results were immediately authorized. The disbelief on the part of the international community is shared by many Iranian citizens. And while the defeated candidate launches a legal appeal, what ensued on the streets of Tehran,is the largest public demonstrations in the Islamic republics 30-year history. There are now hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the centre of Tehran. Security forces who vastly outnumbered the small group of demonstrators beat the protesters gathered on Tehran's Baharestan Square with batons and fired tear gas canisters and rounds of ammunition into the air. All three Ahmadinejad's challengers in the election have made public allegations of fraud after results showed the president winning by a 2-to-1 margin, so, on June 16th, the Guardian Council, made up of clerics and experts in Islamic law and closely allied to Mr. Khamenei, having the apparent authority to nullify an election, is called to certify the results. Meanwhile, Reporters Without Borders, a media rights group, is urging nations not to recognize the results of Iran's presidential election, citing censorship and a crackdown on journalists. Some days later, the Guardian Council announces in a rare acknowledgment that there have been voting irregularities in 50 districts, including local vote counts that exceeded the number of eligible voters, but that, however, these discrepancies are not widespread enough to affect the result. The Guardian Council warned that some material on the web is ''creating tension'' and must be removed to avoid ''legal consequences. After confining foreign journalists to their hotels, bloggers are the new target of the regime. The Guardians of the Revolution consider the web as a threat and to keep images and stories on events in the country from being published on the Internet, the regime has threatened those who use social networks to spread information. Blogs and social networks have been and are crucial for the Iranian opposition to let the world know what is happening. Facebook and YouTube have been playing an important role in this too, with the former hosting longer manifestos and idea exchanges, and the latter hosting grainy film of protests and police attacks captured on cell phone cameras. But for "front line" news bulletins, Twitter has emerged as the preferred mode of clandestine communication. Meanwhile, a few days later Ahmadinejad visits Russia which has long-time political and economic ties with Iran, where it is building a nuclear power site at Bushehr. The Foreign Ministry in Moscow declares he respects the election result: disputes about the vote "should be settled in strict compliance with Iran's Constitution and law" and are "exclusively an internal matter." In New York, UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon urges an "immediate stop to the arrests, threats and use of force." On June 19th, the U.S. House of Representatives passes 405 to 1 the following bipartisan resolution, introduced by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.6) and Rep. Howard Berman (D-Cal.28), to support Iranian dissidents and (1) expresses its support for all Iranian citizens who embrace the values of freedom, human rights, civil liberties, and rule of law;(2) condemns the ongoing violence against demonstrators by the Government of Iran and pro-government militias, as well as the ongoing government suppression of independent electronic communication through interference with the Internet and cell phones; and(3) affirms the universality of individual rights and the importance of democratic and fair elections Lastly and most importantly, the resolution expresses Americans unqualified support for all Iranian citizens who embrace the values of freedom, human rights, civil liberties and the rule of law. America is freedom and in this cause the American people will not be silent. There is no intention here to pick sides in the Iranian election, but to simply stand by those who stand up for freedom. Monday June 22nd will go down on history for Neda Agha Soltans death, whose video circulated worldwide, with her proud wonderful eyes. What we have seen through her last glance is a powerful desire on the part of the Iranian people to be free. Caspian Makan, her boyfriend, said the 26-year-old woman had not been deterred by the risk of joining protests. She was a philosophy student and loved poetry: Iran's Rumi and America's Robert Frost were her favorites. He told an Associated Press reporter during a telephone call that "she only ever said to want one thing: democracy and freedom for the people of Iran." Iran state radio blamed civilians murder like Soltans on "saboteurs" not the pro-regime Basij militiamen who have been beating the protesters. To verify reports on demonstrations, clashes and casualties is quite impossible: Iran has ordered reporters to stay in their offices, barring them from reporting on the streets. Reporters Without Borders put at 34 the figure of reporters detained since the protests began. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists said 13 are still in custody. State radio reported today that Iranian authorities arrested at least 457 people after post-election clashes that left 10 people dead, as the nation's clerical leaders battled to contain the worst crisis since the Islamic revolution.Perhaps do detaining journalists for reporting news and commentary indicate the government has something to hide? Only on June 23rd, eventually, in response to critical comments from Sen. John McCain of Arizona and other Republicans, President Obama condemns the Iranian government for its crackdown against election protesters and accuses Irans leaders of fabricating charges against the United States. If only he would have read the new nationwide public opinion survey of Iran conducted by Terror Free Tomorrow The Center for Public Opinion (TFT), the New America Foundation, and KA Europe SPRL (KA), he would know that Iran has been deprived of the benefits of globalization such as the import of new ideas, technologies and practices. Inside their houses, the lifestyle of Iranians suggests that they are following almost every contemporary trend, from fashion to the use of technology, above all in Teheran, but, as a student wrote on Facebook, Iranians don't want to have to worry about too many rules: We want the rest of the world to be open to us too. Ahmadinejad doesn't think bigger than Iran, he thinks that Iranians will be happy if he gives us a bag of potatoes. But we want more." More than 70 percent of Iranians also favor Iran providing full inspections and a guarantee not to develop or possess nuclear weapons in return for outside aid and investment. In another consistent trend over the past two years, 77 percent of Iranians back normal relations and trade with the United States. Sixty-eight percent also favor Iran working with the United States to help resolve the Iraq war, while 60 percent back unconditional negotiations with the U.S. The Iranian people have proven that they desire a free, democratic society and due to social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube the world can no longer ignore them.
Segunda-feira, 29 de Junho de 2009
New protests rock Tehran
Iranians on Sunday took to the streets of the capital Tehran once again, protesting against their theocratic rulers.Several thousand Tehranis rallied in Shariati Street in northern Tehran late in the day.There were chants of "God is great".State security forces attacked the protestors using batons and water cannons. There was also considerable use of tear gas by authorities hoping to break up the rally.A separate protest was also held at Tehran's Laleh Park, eye-witnesses said, claiming that authorities there also used force to break up the protest.Since the 12 June presidential election, up to a million people have taken part in anti-government rallies in Tehran and other major cities, protesting the re-appointment of Ahmadinejad following the election which they believe was rigged. Iran does not allow UN staff to monitor its elections.The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) warned last week it would unleash its wrath on anyone breaking a government ban on demonstrations. It ordered demonstrators to "end the sabotage and rioting activities" and said their resistance is a "conspiracy" against Iran.Irans Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on 19 June rallied behind Ahmadinejad and demanded protestors stop their action. Despite his stern warning, protests erupted in Tehran and other major cities throughout last week, leading to hit and run clashes between protestors and security forces. Since Khameneis announcement, demonstrators have markedly directed their protests at the entirety of the clerical establishment, with chants of death to Khamenei. The opposition group Peoples Mujahedin says that some 200 people have been killed by security forces in Iran during the violence. Official figures say 20 people have died in the unrest, and state television says the Mujahedin have had a hand in the street violence.Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, a ranking cleric, on Friday said, "Anyone who takes up arms to fight with the people is worthy of execution."Those who disturbed the peace and destroyed public property were "at war with God" and should be "mercilessly dealt with", Khatami said in a nationally televised sermon.
Sexta-feira, 26 de Junho de 2009
¿Culpas o disculpas?
Unión Liberal CubanaPor Vladimiro Roca, La Habana EN UN ARTÍCULO titulado Nada sustituye la vergüenza de nuestra gente, publicado en el diario oficial Granma y firmado por el director del mismo, Lázaro Barredo Medina, se señalan actitudes negativas de entidades, trabajadores, administraciones, etc.; que, según el articulista, empeoran la grave crisis que atenaza al país hace bastante tiempo.El susodicho artículo hace referencia a que las medidas de reajuste que se adoptan en muchas partes del mundo para reducir los efectos de la crisis afectan directamente a la población, pero que en Cuba se llama a toda la sociedad para enfrentar el impacto negativo de la contingencia económica y financiera en la búsqueda de que todos aportemos respuestas a las principales prioridades que son la producción alimentaria y el ahorro.Después hace referencia a que el Estado
revolucionario (el subrayado es mío) adopta decisiones para impedir el deterioro de los programas sociales fundamentales, como la educación y la salud, sostener el empleo y garantizar por igual a cada ciudadano en la canasta básica las calorías, proteínas y grasas imprescindibles.De la lectura del artículo se desprende que las penurias actuales del pueblo cubano se deben a la crisis económica y financiera mundial, en primer término, y a la indolencia de la sociedad cubana en general, en segundo término.A lo largo del mismo hace referencia a análisis, aportes y esfuerzos que deben hacer los que más sufren los efectos de dicha crisis y sobre los que ha cargado, y recarga, durante 50 años el desgobierno de la pandilla que asaltó el poder en el año 1959.El señor Barredo Medina, como buen testaferro de la camarilla de los hermanos Castro, disculpa a los verdaderos responsables, diciendo que están tomando decisiones para frenar el deterioro de los planes que, por culpa directa de ellos, se ven amenazados con desaparecer.Que fácil olvidan u ocultan las verdades históricas todos los cómplices del hato de delincuentes que hace medio siglo usurpan el poder en Cuba.El articulista hace referencia a la mentalidad gastadora de muchos compañeros que ni siquiera preguntan por lo que cuestan las cosas. Al primero que jamás le ha importado el valor de las cosas ni lo que cuesta producirlos ha sido al compañero Fidel, derrochador número uno de recursos en Cuba y, creo, en el mundo entero. Olvida el director del Granma la implementación de la ofensiva revolucionaria de 1967 por parte de Fidel Castro, que liquidó lo poco que quedaba de iniciativa privada en el país; que eran los únicos que mantenían producciones y servicios de alta demanda popular con calidad y eficiencia.Oculta el cómplice de los hermanos Castro que la mentalidad gastadora y el desprecio por el precio de las cosas surgió a partir de la liquidación del Ministerio de Hacienda, ordenado por Castro a mediados de los 60, que no soporta tener que rendir cuentas de nada como buen irresponsable que es, la lucha contra el burocratismo, que acabó con el sistema contable del país y la enseñanza de esa asignatura en el sistema educativo nacional.Y como colofón de ese odio destructivo que acompaña a Castro en todas sus decisiones que afectan al pueblo; decretó la eliminación de las relaciones monetario-mercantiles, con vistas a prescindir de la circulación del dinero y construir el comunismo a la par con el socialismo, introduciendo un sin fin de gratuidades en el sistema económico de su autoría intelectual, que distorsionaron toda la economía cubana, convirtiendo la bella y eficiente isla de Cuba en el potrero de los hermanos Castro que es hoy. Estos son los orígenes de la mentalidad gastadora de muchos cubanos, gústele o no al director de Granma.En otra parte de su artículo miente con una desvergüenza inaudita al decir: La vida nos ha demostrado en múltiples ocasiones que no son los mecanismos espontáneos los que facilitarán soluciones reales, sino el trabajo a conciencia y la participación, desde el más simple trabajador hasta el administrador del centro o director de la empresa, pasando por los distintos niveles hasta llegar incluso a los puestos de dirección de cada ministerio., como si el pueblo no supiera que ninguna de las soluciones ni medidas dictadas por la dictadura castrista es para solucionar los problemas del país, sino para mantenerlos en el poder.El alabardero del régimen defiende a ultranza un sistema económico que no ha funcionado en ningún país que se implantó. Sistema que el imaginario popular ha definido como el sistema que si triunfa en el desierto de Sahara, a los cinco años están importando arena. Está definición es resultado de las vivencias prácticas de los cubanos que, lejos de vivir mejor, como es la lógica del desarrollo humano, vive cada día peor y con pocas expectativas de mejorar en un futuro cercano.Para terminar quiero aclarar el subrayado de revolucionario en el tercer párrafo y por qué está siendo tan utilizado en el último tiempo por las instancias oficialistas.Desde la perspectiva de Castro la revolución es fuente de derecho, como el mismo lo declaró en los primeros meses de su llegada al poder. Por lo tanto un Estado o gobierno revolucionario puede tomar decisiones al margen de la Constitución y las leyes vigentes en el país, es decir, tienen licencia para continuar delinquiendo, como han hecho en estos 50 años.A pesar que desde 1976 el país se institucionalizó al adoptar la Constitución socialista, Fidel Castro y su camarilla jamás la ha respetado, pues nunca ha promulgado la legislación complementaria que requiere toda Constitución para la aplicación práctica de todos sus preceptos y normativas.Por otra parte, para los que vivimos los primeros años de la llamada revolución, gobierno revolucionario es sinónimo de represión, cárceles y fusilamientos; que es, según mi criterio, lo que quiere transmitir el señor Barredo, para evitar que el descontento popular se traduzca en acciones en las calles contra el gobierno.Ciertamente, la vergüenza del pueblo terminará, a la corta o a la larga, con la desver-güenza de los gobernantes y sus cómplices
Terça-feira, 23 de Junho de 2009
Tanto é o sangue que os rios desistem de seu ritmo, e o oceano delira e rejeita as espumas vermelhas. Tanto é o sangue que até a lua se levanta horrível, e erra nos lugares serenos, sonâmbula de auréolas rubras, com o fogo do inferno em suas madeixas. Tanta é a morte que nem os rostos se conhecem, lado a lado, e os pedaços de corpo estão por ali como tábuas sem uso. Oh, os dedos com alianças perdidos na lama... Os olhos que já não pestanejam com a poeira... As bocas de recados perdidos... O coração dado aos vermes, dentro dos densos uniformes... Tanta é a morte que só as almas formariam colunas, as almas desprendidas... e alcançariam as estrelas. E as máquinas de entranhas abertas, e os cadáveres ainda armados, e a terra com suas flores ardendo, e os rios espavoridos como tigres, com suas máculas, e este mar desvairado de incêndios e náufragos, e a lua alucinada de seu testemunho, e nós e vós, imunes, chorando, apenas, sobre fotografias, tudo é um natural armar e desarmar de andaimes entre tempos vagarosos, sonhando arquiteturas. Cecília Meireles
Honoring martyrs
Honoring martyrsPhoto essay: Iranians in San Francisco mourn those killed in Iran protestsby Nazy KavianiI stayed up until I passed out last night, waiting to hear news about Iran. When I woke up at six a.m., I ran to see the news. Thats when I realized what had started to happen in Iran. A confrontation between armed men and unarmed citizens in quest for their already limited civil rights. Child citizens, really, to my mindfor each and every one of them could be my son or daughter. If we lived in Iran, my sons would be out there with them, I know. When I saw the first video clip of how serious and scary the battle was, I started getting dizzy and feeling sick. By the time I made it to the image of the dying girl, Neda, obviously suffering and bleeding of an invisible wound, and taking her very last breaths, I had lost it. I sat at my computer wailing, like an old lady, like a baby, like a desperate mourner. That could be the daughter I never had, that could be my niece, that could be my best friends daughter. She was beautiful and lithe, with that gorgeous clean face, and the perplexed look on her face, seemingly conveying a message lost on the bystanders, including me. I wailed and cried as if she were my own daughter. It was only 10:28 a.m. I watched more and I read more and I chatted with others online some more, but nothing could help me snap out of the state of desperation and sadness I had acquired all of a sudden. I felt angry and inconsolable. My son came to ask me whether I wanted to join him at the peace rally in San Francisco Saturday evening. For the fourth time in one week, I got dressed to go and be with other Iranians. This time, however, I had to go and find appropriate attire for the occasion, my black clothes. Unlike the other three rallies I had attended this past week, this one had no air of protest for the election results. It was no longer about Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. This was for the Iranian youth, the fallen victims of a horrific confrontation of ruthless power with peoples will. The group stood closer to one another this time. They held hands and hugged. I let go of my sobs in the arms of my friends, hearing theirs. There were no longer any slogans about where peoples votes went, as though over the past 24 hours, with the lost hope so much prior ambiguity and criticism was all of a sudden clarified and people knew who did this, all of this. I write to tell you that it helped to get out and be with other Iranians during this time of uncertainty, rage, and utter sadness. It helped to hear others, men and women, sob in sorrow. It helped to be together and to do the only thing we could do standing thousands of miles away from the brave hearts of Iran. They have whispered something in our ears and now we know it, too. It is upon us to tell it to others. This is for Neda -- the girl who at 10:28 a.m. this morning, told me to go tell her story to the world.
Segunda-feira, 22 de Junho de 2009
At least 19 dead in Iran unrest, hospital sources say
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Thousands of defiant protesters clashed with police in the streets of Tehran on Saturday in protest of last week's presidential elections, and opposition leader Mir Hossein Moussavi reportedly said he was ready for "martyrdom."The unrest left 19 people dead, hospital sources said. Unconfirmed reports put the death toll as high as 150 on the seventh day of post-election demontrations.Police were using tear gas, clubs and water cannon as they tried to disperse the demonstrators.A stream of videos posted on social networking Web sites appeared to show demonstrators who had been shot.One video showed a woman trying to protect a man being beaten and kicked by protesters. A motorcycle lies on its side nearby, and another is in flames.The protests were held in open defiance of warnings issued Friday by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the Islamic Republic Security Council. They had said protest organizers -- specifically Moussavi -- would be held accountable if the protests led to bloodshed.The message on Moussavi's page on Facebook urged Moussavi's supporters to "protest" and "not go to work." The social networking Web site has proved to be a key source of information in a country whose government has banned international journalists from newsgathering. The authenticity of the information could not immediately be established, but its posting coincided with growing unrest by demonstrators, who say President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's election victory was rigged.Witnesses in Tehran told CNN one crowd was chanting "Death to Khamenei!" and "I will kill whoever killed my brother!" -- a chant that dates to Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution that brought Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to power.In a story posted Saturday on the Web site of the government-run Press TV, Iran's deputy police commander said 400 police personnel had been wounded since the opposition rallies began last weekend."Families of those killed or injured in the events since June 12 have filed 2,000 complaints so far," acting Police Chief Brigadier General Ahmad-Reza Radan told Iran's Fars news agency.Radan said 10,000 complaints had been filed by people asserting that their daily lives had been disrupted, adding, "They have called on the police to deal with rallies firmly.""The recent rallies destroyed 700 buildings, burst 300 banks into flame, damaged 300 cars and 300 public properties," Radan said.Meanwhile, the head of Tehran's Emergency Center, Reza Dehqanpour, said more than 50 ambulances had been reserved to help the wounded.Demonstrators gathered in major cities in France, the United States and Germany to condemn Iran's crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Tehran.In Washington, President Obama urged the Iranian government to stop the violence against its own citizens."The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching," Obama said in a written statement. "We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people."Obama received intelligence briefings throughout the day and discussed the situation with senior advisers, an administration official told CNN. On Saturday night, the Iranian state-run news agency IRINN said an attacker had been killed earlier in the day outside Tehran at the entrance to the Khomeini's mausoleum. The agency said the man "carrying the bomb" was killed, and there were no other casualties.Press TV had said earlier that three people, including the bomber, died at the shrine to Khomeini, the father of the Islamic Revolution that swept the shah of Iran from power in 1979. Khomeini is regarded as the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran.In a related development, a witness reported a fire near the French Embassy, apparently caused by debris that had been set ablaze nearby. The location is near the intersection of Vali Asr Avenue and Noufle Chateau, named for where Khomeini lived when he was in exile in Paris, France.With international journalists restricted from covering events in the capital, Iranians were using cell phones and social networking sites to get news out. CNN was told that many protesters removed the SIM card, or memory chip, from their cell phones to prevent the government from tracing their calls. Witnesses reported that cell phone service was cut off in the area after 5:30 p.m.Saturday's protests began later than had been predicted. Rallies that were to have begun about 4 p.m. (7:30 a.m. ET) did not materialize.Many who said they planned to attend the rallies wrote early Saturday to one another on the social networking site Twitter. Some wondered whether there would be violence at the protests."Let the Qu'ran shield you. It's a mortal sin to kill anyone holding the Qu'ran. BRING your Qu'ran to protest!!!" one person wrote on Twitter. "We will try 2 keep this rally peaceful/silent as usual at every cost. Cant give them excuse 2 use force. Hope they wont," another said.CNN is not publishing the posters' names for safety reasons. Both said they were in Iran, but CNN could not verify that.Reliable information was hard to come by.The Ministry of Culture on Saturday banned international media from reporting on the demonstrations unless they receive permission from Iranian authorities. A freelance journalist said it was "very dangerous" to take pictures. Meanwhile, the Iranian government said Saturday it is ready to randomly recount up to 10 percent of "ballot boxes." The government agency that oversees elections, the Guardian Council, said it had received more than 600 complaints of irregularities from the three candidates.
Quinta-feira, 18 de Junho de 2009
Masses mourn protesters in Iran
More than 100,000 people have attended a "day of mourning" rally in Tehran to remember eight people killed while opposing Iran's election result.The rally was called by presidential challenger, Mir Hossein Mousavi. Iran's most influential body has said it is investigating 646 complaints from the three defeated candidates. They say there was widespread fraud in the 12 June poll which re-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with almost two-thirds of the vote. The Guardian Council has invited the three challengers to talks on Saturday.
'Tinder-box'Mr Mousavi had called supporters to take to the streets wearing black in memory of those shot by members of the pro-government Basij volunteer militia on Monday. The protesters heeded the call, waving black banners and holding aloft placards asking, ''Why did you kill our brothers?'' Some banners carried pictures of the dead. The opposition leader attended the rally, wearing a black shirt and suit. He addressed the crowds through a loudspeaker, with loud chants of support breaking the general silence. Press TV, the English-language version of Iranian state television, reported that the address was brief and that Mr Mousavi called for calm and restraint. The BBC's Marcus George in Tehran says there was little sign of pro-government militia squads but supporters of Mr Mousavi have been telling each other to stick closely together for better protection. Reporter Marie Colvin of the UK's Sunday Times newspaper told the BBC from Tehran that both sides seemed to be trying to avoid major clashes but the situation was "a tinder-box, very edgy, so it's very hard to predict". She said a Wall Street Journal colleague had been "interviewing a young man on the street the other night, and one of the militiamen came up and put a bullet through his neck and killed him". The day of mourning was also observed outside Tehran. One protester, Ali, took part in a silent sit-in at a shrine in Shiraz, south-western Iran, to remember those killed. He told the BBC: "There are about two or three thousand people here, all sitting in silence in the big courtyard inside the shrine. Police won't do anything because we are in a holy site." Heavy restrictions have been placed on the BBC and other foreign news organisations. Reporters are not allowed to cover unauthorised gatherings or move around freely in Tehran - but there are no controls over what they can write or say.
Counter-protestThe protests came as the powerful Guardian Council said it had invited Mr Mousavi and fellow defeated candidates Mehdi Karroubi and Mohsen Rezai to a meeting on Saturday to discuss their election complaints. It is not known if the three candidates have accepted the invitation. Guardian Council spokesman Abbasali Khadkhodai said a "careful examination" of the 646 complaints from the three candidates had begun.The council earlier this week said it would carry out a partial recount, but had ruled out a re-run of the poll demanded by Mr Mousavi. On Friday, Iranians will be listening closely to the address of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who is due to deliver the sermon at Friday prayers. In other events on Thursday: A counter-rally was held outside the prosecutor's office in Tehran in which hard-line students protested against the role of former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and his family. The Fars news agency said his daughter, Faezeh, who addressed an opposition rally on Tuesday, and her brother Mehdi had been barred from leaving Iran over their alleged role in the unrest. Ebrahim Yazdi, a foreign minister after the 1979 revolution and now leader of the Freedom Movement of Iran, was arrested while undergoing tests at a hospital in Tehran, a spokesman for his organisation said. The Assembly of Experts - Iran's top clerical body responsible for appointing the supreme leader - welcomed the election turnout but made no mention of the result. It is headed by Mr Rafsanjani. Iranian Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi called for the election result to be annulled, Reuters news agency reported.
Quarta-feira, 17 de Junho de 2009
Iran arrests more reformists as protests continue
Washington TV
Washington, 17 June (WashingtonTV)Iranian authorities on Wednesday arrested more reformists and supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, the latest in dozens of such arrests since last weeks disputed presidential election.Saeed Laylaz, political analyst and editor of the business daily Sarmayeh, was arrested this morning in Tehran. Laylaz, who is widely quoted by foreign media, has often been critical of the economic policies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, reports Reuters.Hamid Reza Jalaipour, a sociologist and Mousavi campaigner, was arrested today at his home but released hours later, he told AFP.Jalaipour said that his son, Mohammadreza, was detained by plainclothes security agents at Tehrans Imam Khomeini Airport. Mohammadreza, a leading member of Mousavis campaign, was arrested with his wife while on his way to London, where he studies at Oxford University.Human rights lawyer Abdolfattah Soltani, a member of Shirin Ebadis Center for the Defense of Human Rights, was also arrested yesterday in Tehran.Ebadi told the Washington-based National Public Radio [NPR] that security officials posing as clients entered the Tehran offices of the lawyers group, and confiscated Soltanis compute and other documents.The Nobel Peace Prize laureate also said that others who have been arrested in the past few days include Abdolreza Tajik, a journalist and member of Ebadis group, Saeed Hajjarian, a prominent reformer, and Mohammad Ali Abtahi, another leading reformer.In an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcast on Tuesday, Ebadi said that the Iranian authorities should hold a new election and allow monitoring by international observers.She also said that those arrested since Fridays vote should be released without any conditions.I believe that a recount of the votes under the current conditions wont solve anything. A new election must be held and this time it should be under the monitoring of international organizations, she said in the interview.Sources: Reuters, Agence France-Presse, National Public Radio website, RFE/RL website
Terça-feira, 16 de Junho de 2009
7 killed in Tehran rally
Iran Focus 
Tehran, Iran, Jun. 16 At least seven people were killed in Tehran during a massive anti-government rally on Monday, state television reported on Tuesday. "Seven people killed near illegal Tehran rally", said a headline by the state-run English-language television channel Press TV. It based its report on an earlier announcement in Iranian state radio.It did not identify those who had been killed.The report said several people were wounded when "hooligans" attacked a compound believed to have belonged to the para-military Bassij force.The opposition group Peoples Mujahedin says that at least 10 people have been killed by security forces in Iran since the election which it denounced as a sham.It said one student, one woman and one man were killed by security forces during clashes earlier this week in the southern city of Shiraz.Up to a million people took part in anti-government rallies in Tehran and other major cities on Monday, protesting the re-appointment of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad following a presidential election contest which they believe was rigged. Venting their anger at the clerical establishment, many young protestors in Tehran chanted death to the dictator and some held up banners calling for democracy. Iran does not allow UN-supervised elections.
Segunda-feira, 15 de Junho de 2009
Um dos melhores sítios para seguir o que se passa no Irão: